Thursday, May 28, 2009

nonton Angels n Deamon, bareng wulan n ira_el d SUN...
hmmm mayan punya film na

neh lagi d diski,kantor flexter..
mau daftarin temen aa n nambah 3 titik lagi for me :)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

gagal nonton...
mau prospek flexter k rmh tmn aa
gerimis mengandung...:)
today is off...
get relax but do all the things in my house...
hmm what's planning today?
go to cinema with my husband..
'Night at musemum 2' or 'Angels n deamon'...

Monday, May 25, 2009

Supernatural season 3
the ending was disappointed..
coz winchester loose from the deamon...

td habis dari GBO flexter d setia budi..
aza aza fighting..!!

it's time for sleep..
have a nice dream
akhirnya logot jg ahhh
nekan logot pulang serasa menang lotere hehehe

Sunday, May 24, 2009 is off
but so hot medan today
n i check my temperature's 32 degree..

seharian nonton dvd
supernatural season 3, terus maen the sims 2...

bsk d kantor spt ap ya..
hmm pasti mash sama spt kmrn banyak call iseng ..getting bored n sick..

Friday, May 22, 2009

Lagi refreshment tarif SLI so boring...
miss my blog, so long not to wrote mine...